Mir Porcelain & Ceramic Collection

Whether you are working on a simple bathroom remodel, or a big commercial project, MIR mosaic delivers the finest collection of tiles the world has to offer. Inspired by fashion and the latest developments in tile production MirR provides one of the widest and most unique selection of Porcelain and Ceramic tiles. Browse these beautiful collections and imagine the cutting edge designs in your home.

There are 18 Collections in the Mir Tile Series - AT&S will be offering them soon.

If you don't see something you want online, Give us a call and we can provide a quote

Acadia SeriesACADIA
Terra SeriesTERRA
Breeze SeriesBREEZE
Jumanji SeriesJUMANJI
Retro SeriesRETRO
Silk SeriesSILK
Matrix SeriesMATRIX
Movement SeriesMOVEMENT
Stellar SeriesSTELLAR
Urbana SeriesURBANA
PDFTile 2021
Click on the link to download the Mir Tile Pricelist
We are currently working on adding these items for sale online
If you find an item in the pricelist and it is not currently available on our shopsite give us a call and we can add the item to the website

All Mir Collections